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Tapping on Tidal Energy In Indonesia


An industrial partnership

Wednesday 11th of February SABELLA, PLP and MEINDO signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The object of this industrial agreement is to develop ocean current energy in Indonesia to deliver electricity in a sustainable way to remote communities.

All together, they aim to produce in Indonesia and deploy from 100 kW to 2 500 kW turbines to harness marine currents which are among the strongest in the world.

This new innovative industry is perfectly adapted to East Indonesia and will allow the creation of hundreds of jobs locally.

SABELLA, PLP and MEINDO are already working on the engineering of first projects that will be implemented as soon as this year.


A new way of producing electricity

This innovative technology will allow to connect a lot of islands and remote communities in Indonesia, dividing the cost of energy up to 2 or 3 times depending on the location.

The reliable, silent and green energy produced will be delivered to thousands of houses and help the economic growth of these islands.


Partners presentation

SABELLA, a French company developing an innovative technology dedicated to marine and river currents harnessing, is recognized as a leading actor in this field worldwide. Its “Sabella D10” turbine produces up to 1 MW and is grid connected to an island in western France.

Pt PLP is an Indonesian services company providing resources and set up as the interface between the different actors, coordination and quality control of the project.

Pt MEINDO is an Indonesian industrial and construction company specialized in the Oil and Gas industry, providing construction site, marine equipment and material, as well as transportation and installation.



For more information on our partnership, please visit: